Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium)

Common name: Hogweed

Species name: Heracleum sphondylium

Plant type: perennial herb

Origin: Europe, central Asia and North Africa

Flowering period: June to October

Description: Tall umbellifer with white or pinkish flowers. It can reach 2m in height and has hollow, ridged and hairy stems. The flower-heads are large and are popular with insects, particularly flies, hoverflies and common red soldier beetles. 

Hogweed in flower

Young hogweed plant

Flies and hoverflies on hogweed flowers

Common red soldier beetles on hogweed flowers

Location: common. In the SSSI they can be found in hedgerows, on banks and along the Drove.

Possible confusion: there are several other umbellifers that are common. Cow parsley, rough chervil, hedge parsley, and stone parsley are all similar in appearance. I will try and create a comparison chart as they come in flower to show the differences between these species.
