Four Seasons in One Month (2020, week 6)
I've been very lax in posting for which I apologise. In my defence, it's winter and very little is going on. There's mud. There's rain. There's more mud. We've had a few days of frost but mostly it's been rain. Creating mud. (Have I mentioned the mud?)
One new animal has appeared in the last couple of weeks - sheep. We have sheep in several fields now and some very cute lambs. It's lovely to see them frolicking around.
Sheep |
A benefit, if you can call it that, of the winter vegetation die-back is revealing the rubbish that has been left along the rhynes and ditch banks. So on my morning dog walks I've started taking a bag to pick up this rubbish. The things I've found has been quite incredible. A few highlights include an old phone, a "Diverted Traffic" sign, two tyres, two kid's bikes, and (my favourite) a home-made bong!
Rubbish including an old phone |
Though not part of the SSSI I've also been collecting rubbish along West End Lane. One very kind person let me empty my bag into their bin, saving me returning to my house each time. As a result I was able to clear four bags of rubbish between the rugby club and Coombe Farm. I found wine bottles, crisp packets, even a dirty nappy! It's incredible what people throw out of their car windows. These are local lanes, local footpaths, and the disregard so many locals have for them is rather depressing. But hopefully I can do something to help. And so can you - just grab a bag next time you're heading out and pick up whatever litter you find. It's really that easy!
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