Who Am I?
Why Write This Blog?
What Are The Aims?
What Information Will You Give?
I grew up in Nailsea and while I spent a lot of my 20s and 30s away I've recently moved back and hope to stay here for a long time.
Why Write This Blog?
I love the countryside here and have walked around the drove all my life, but only realised recently that it was part of an SSSI. I enjoy nature and have a background in ecology so figured I could combine my daily dog walking with a bit of old-fashioned naturalist recording.
What Are The Aims?
The main aim is to describe the beautiful and often overlooked wildlife around Nailsea. I also wanted to make a record of the first appearance of plants and birds and keep track of wildlife like the amateur naturalists of old. As climate change takes hold I thought having a record would be useful and considered just keeping a daily diary. But I thought it might be useful to have it online so that it was accessible to everyone, plus hopefully being public might provide more motivation to keep up with things.
What Information Will You Give?
I plan on taking a photograph from a consistent spot each walk, so that we can see the changing of the seasons, which will be posted at semi-regular periods. I'll describe any flora or fauna of note and any general observations. Some posts will be very short, others longer depending on what I saw and how much time I have to write. I'll try and photograph anything of note but sometimes it's not always possible.
I was going to use the Unit number as a reference but they're not as logical as I was expecting so I've created a field numbering system that I will refer to instead. A map showing the units and the field numbering can be found here.
I'll also do other posts on various aspects of the SSSI and its wildlife as inspiration hits.
I was going to use the Unit number as a reference but they're not as logical as I was expecting so I've created a field numbering system that I will refer to instead. A map showing the units and the field numbering can be found here.
I'll also do other posts on various aspects of the SSSI and its wildlife as inspiration hits.
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